Anyone with curly hair knows what I mean when I say I dread the monsoons! When your hair begins to lead a life of its own… And you’re clueless about how to lead yours without looking like a bush… That’s when u know you need drastic measures! And trust me, keeping them …
Month: June 2017
Myth Busting: 4 Popular Myths about Facial Oils
Facial oils are touted as the ‘new’ big thing in the world of skincare and beauty… whereas one of the biggest myths about it, is that it’s ‘NEW’! Sorry to burst your bubble, facial pure oils are one of the oldest skincare tricks in the books of Ayurveda! However, there are a lot of …
Zodiac Fashion: Aries
Did you know that as the first sign of the zodiac, Aries rules the head? Represented by the Ram, Aries takes the lead, head down, ready to charge. They’re Doers! They believe… and they Do it! Being a fire sign… dilly-dallying and slacking in not in their DNA! They do things with burning passion and zest! They’re …
Zodiac Fashion: Gemini
Symbol: The Twins There’s a lot that a Gemini is often accused of… “Can’t make up her mind… Is a flirt… Always confused… Disorganised… Controversial and Hyperactive…” Well of course she is! Coz unlike most us other sane people… She has the brains and the mind of two… so there’s always a yin to her …